Rudy gay trade atlanta hawks

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Of course though, to acquire Gay, the Nets need to give something up in return. Rondo left and signed with Chicago, and now, the Kings are reportedly shopping Rudy Gay. Whether they want to hear it or not, the Kings need to start over and build their team around Cousins (which so far, based on their draft, isn’t working out too well). Point blank, the Nets just need more talent and need a different group of players on the floor. They were 26 th in the league in points for, and 24 th in the league in points against. They posted a disappointing record of 21-61 and for the most part, struggled on both sides of the ball. The Nets, on the other hand, just simply couldn’t get anything going with lack of unity and talent. The talent may be there on paper, but clearly the team is lacking chemistry and identity, as that talent did not transfer into wins. However, they still missed the playoffs by eight games, extending their postseason drought to 10 years (the second-longest active drought in the NBA). Last year, the Kings’ nucleus of players included DeMarcus Cousins, Rajon Rondo, Darren Collison, and Rudy Gay.

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